Monday, April 20, 2009

the link

Have you ever thought that you had that dynamite idea? The next big thing has to start somewhere, but how to do you know if you have the keys to the car? There are a few ways you can develop your idea if you think that you may be ahead of the curve.

One way to be able to tell if your idea is golden is to do research on it to see if there is a similar idea out there. The Internet is a great place to start. You can formulate a list of keywords and send them through any search engine, and if the product or service is already out there you will most likely be able to see it in the first few results. If you don’t see it initially, dig deeper.

Another good bet is to always jot down a note of the idea and file it away somewhere. If you feel it is a good idea, make it a secret place.
An important thing to mention is that there are a lot of sharks out there. Be careful who you discuss your idea with.

If you are friends with someone who is an innovator or creator by trade in a similar field, maybe try using this person as a sounding board.

Or, if you just want to be lazy, you can put the idea up for sale. This week’s link is devoted to the ability to sell intellectual property, or the Idea Trade Network.

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